Sunday, December 8, 2013

Medical ethics refers
chiefly to the rules of etiquette adopted by the medical profession to regulate professional conduct with each other,  but also towards their individual patients
and towards society,  and includes considerations of the motives behind that conduct

1.Early  Diagnosis   and  Identification   of the Problem
2. Anticipation  of possible events and complications
3.The Holistic Approach
4.Appropriate  Use  of Technology
5.Primum non  nocere
6.Evidence  Based Medicine
7.Recognition  of Limits  of Critical Care
Beneficence: This refers to the tradition of acting always in the patients’ best interest to maximise benefits and minimise harm.
Non-malfeasance: This principle ensures that treatment or research ought not to produce harm
What  is more right ?
What is more wrong?
Prioritizing ?
Ethical Quandary: You can make decision but cannot  decide.
Autonomy of Patient:
 It is  the respect for an individual’s autonomy or ability to make decisions for him/herself  includes respect for their privacy and confidentiality need to provide sufficient information for them to make informed choices truth telling protection of persons with diminished or impaired autonomy. 

Distributive justice

Means that patients in similar circumstances should receive similar care. Physicians need to have a socially responsible behavior, which makes it their duty to make optimal use of the material, financial and human resources under their control. The physician may thus provide treatment and resources to one with a potentially curable condition over another for whom treatment will be futile.

 Non-medically Beneficial Treatment
(Futile Care)
It is well established in medical ethics and law that it is appropriate to withhold medical intervention when such interventions provide no reasonable likelihood of benefit to the patient. 
“DNR orders only preclude resuscitative efforts in the event of cardiopulmonary arrest and should not influence other therapeutic interventions that may be appropriate for the patient. 
Withdraw of treatment is treatment that has been started, such as mechanical ventilation or dialysis or artificial nutrition and hydration. WD is discontinuing a therapy that has a disproportionate burden without achieving reasonable clinical goals. It is NOT hastening death. The goal is to stop nonmedically beneficial treatment and to relieve suffering. Intent matters.

Withholding a treatment is not starting a treatment that has a disproportionate burden without achieving reasonable clinical goals. For example, a patient with overwhelming sepsis and an MI; we would not offer a heart transplant as that would not be medically beneficial. We would technically be withholding a treatment. However we decided medically that it would not benefit the patient. As a consequence, heart transplantation would not be offered the patient or the patient’s family.
Guidelines for limiting life-prolonging interventions and providing palliative care towards the end of life in Indian Intensive care units (Source ISCCM Website):
1. The physician has a moral obligation to inform the capable patient/family,  with honesty and clarity, the poor prognostic status of the patient when
further aggressive support appears non-beneficial. The physician is expected to initiate discussions on the treatment options available including the option of no specific treatment

2.When the fully informed capable patient/family desires to consider comfort care, the physician should explicitly communicate the available modalities  of limiting life-prolonging interventions.
3. The physician must discuss the implications of forgoing aggressive interventions through formal counseling sessions with the capable patient/family, and work towards a shared decision-making process. Thus,
he accepts patient’s autonomy in making an informed choice of therapy, while he fulfils his obligation of providing beneficent care.
4.Pending consensus decisions or in the event of conflicts between the  physician’s approach and the family’s wishes, all existing supportive  interventions should continue. The physician however, is not morally  obliged to institute new therapies against his better clinical judgment.
5. The proceedings of the counseling sessions, the decision-making process, and the final decision should be clearly documented in the case records, to ensure transparency and to avoid future misunderstandings.
6. The overall responsibility for the decision rests with the attending physician /intensivist of the patient, who must ensure that all members of the caregiver team including the medical and nursing staff represent the  same approach to the care of the patient.
7. If the capable patient/family consistently desires that life support be  withdrawn, in situations in which the physician considers aggressive  treatment non-beneficial, the treating team is ethically bound to consider  withdrawal within the limits of existing laws.
8. In the event of withdrawal or withholding of support, it is the physician’s  obligation to provide compassionate and effective palliative care to the patient as well as attend to the emotional needs of the family. 

The 196 th Draft Bill of the Law Commission of India

In a landmark development, the Indian Law Commission published a draft bill on "Medical treatment of terminally ill patients (for the protection of patients and medical practitioners)" in 2006.
 It reviewed the case laws and legal guidelines from several countries and made some notable observations :

Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide remain criminal offences, but are clearly distinct from withholding and withdrawal of life support
Adult patients' right to self determination and right to refuse treatment is binding on doctors if based on informed choice
The State's interest in protecting life is not absolute
The obligation of the physician is to act in the "best interests" of the patient
Refusal to accept medical treatment does not amount to "attempt to commit suicide" and endorsement of FLST by the physician does not constitute "abetment of suicide"
Withholding & withdrawal is viewed as an "omission to struggle" on the part of the physician that will not be unlawful unless there is a breach of duty towards the patient
Applying invasive therapies contrary to patient's will amounts to battery or in some cases to culpable homicide